Elmsleigh House Dental Clinic

A collaborative approach to a beautiful smile

Written by Elmsleigh House | 15-Jan-2021 15:54:31
Mrs J first came to Elmsleigh House in July 2018 as she was looking to improve her teeth. She didn't like the veneer on her front tooth that masked the displacement of the tooth, and wanted her teeth to look straighter and whiter.
After a thorough assessment, it was determined that a filling was needed as a priority, as active decay can lead to further problems and even affect the survival of the tooth. A high-quality tooth-coloured restoration was bonded to the affected tooth, strengthening it and preventing further deterioration. 
Mrs J then saw Kostas Spathoulas, the Specialist in orthodontics at Elmsleigh House, who determined that Invisalign treatment would align and coordinate her upper and lower teeth, relieve the crowding of her front teeth and realign them. A series of clear Invisalign aligners were made using three-dimensional images to predictably move the teeth into position. Each aligner was worn for two weeks before being replaced by the next in the series, and Mrs J saw Kostas every four to eight weeks to keep track of progress. 
Once her teeth had been straightened (20 months), Mrs J saw Cathleen Perrin to finalise the appearance of her smile. It was decided that vital tooth whitening would brighten the smile; bespoke whitening trays were made and sufficient whitening gel given for Mrs J to safely whiten her teeth at home.
It was decided that some gum contouring on her upper right front tooth would really enhance the symmetry of her smile due to the gum line being low on this tooth, which was performed by Manoj Tank, the Specialist in periodontics at Elmsleigh House. Cathleen then used some cosmetic bonding to further reshape the tooth, and Mrs J is delighted with her final result! 
This is a great example of following a minimally invasive cosmetic plan of ABC: Align the teeth first; Brighten them if desired; and finally Contour them for symmetry if needed. This involved a general dentist, specialist orthodontist and specialist periodontist working together to obtain excellent results for the patient!
Mrs J was presented a bouquet of flowers at the end of her transformative treatment, and her smile says it all! 


“After many years of wishing I had straighter teeth I’m so glad I made the decision to visit Elmsleigh House. The welcome was always warm, the treatment options carefully explained and great care taken to put me at my ease, with a result that I am absolutely delighted with. Thank you so much to Kostas, Cathleen, Manoj and the lovely reception team” Mrs J.