Elmsleigh House Dental Clinic

Dental implants restored Mr A's teeth after a bike accident

Written by Elmsleigh House | 16-Nov-2020 12:57:54

Mr A was referred to Elmsleigh House by his dentist in October 2019 because he had fallen off his bike on a metal bridge, which was not forgiving to his front teeth. He saw Hugh Cowley for a dental implant consultation, who did a thorough investigation of his mouth including x-ray pictures to establish his dental condition. Mr A's two front teeth were broken beyond repair and would need to be removed, and some other teeth had been damaged as well.

Hugh discussed all options with Mr A, including extraction of these two front teeth and replacing them with two dental implants. Essentially ‘bionic roots’, two small titanium screws would be placed into the jawbone, integrating in a process called osseointegration and actively preventing bone loss. They would provide a stable anchor for two implant crowns, which would be made to look, fit and function just like his natural teeth. The other damaged teeth were to be rebuilt with tooth-coloured filling material after a course of teeth whitening to improve the overall look of Mr A's teeth.

Mr A agreed to this course of treatment, which was written up and sent as a comprehensive treatment plan outlining all stages of treatments and fees involved, so Mr A could proceed with full understanding of the treatment involved.


At his next appointment, Hugh extracted Mr A's two upper front teeth and made a temporary denture so he wouldn't have any gaps during healing. To whiten his teeth, bespoke mouth trays were made to fit his natural teeth precisely, and Mr A was given sufficient teeth whitening gel to apply to the trays and wear for 4 hours each day at home until his whiter, brighter shade had been achieved.


After healing, Hugh placed two dental implants to replace his upper extracted teeth, and the denture was adjusted to fit.


Once these had healed in place, two implant crowns were made to match the colour, translucency and shape of his other teeth and tested in position.


As Mr A was delighted with how these looked, they were securely attached in place. These were fitted in October 2020, 12 months after the accident, but would have been fitted after just 7 months if the coronavirus pandemic hadn't resulted in clinic closure during the first lockdown. However, this delay did not affect the outcome, it was just a shame Hugh could not restore Mr A's smile sooner.


Mr A is very happy with the look of his teeth and smile, as well as the ability to bite and eat as normal.


To book a dental implant consultation, call 01252 713797 and find out your options to replace your missing teeth.