Elmsleigh House Dental Clinic

Keeping yourself healthy while at home

Written by Elmsleigh House | 16-Apr-2020 12:37:38

We all know to #StayAtHome to #SaveLives and #ProtectTheNHS until the pandemic subsides. And as communities we are focussing on helping others in whatever way we can, while being mindful of looking after ourselves during this difficult time.


We must be mindful to take care of ourselves, ensuring we eat well and exercise daily within the rules from home. Some people will be experiencing increased worry and anxiety. However, with us all acting together and supporting each other, we will overcome coronavirus and be able to better deal with the impact that it has had on our lives.


To help you, Psychology Tools has written a guide giving practical advice on understanding and managing your worry. We would like to give full credit and our appreciative thanks to Psychology Tools for producing this guide, as we hope you find it useful to identify what are real and hypothetical worries and to have practical exercises to help manage worry.


The guide gives practical exercises to regain well-being and manage worry to help you to:

  • Maintain balance in your life
  • Identify real problem versus hypothetical worries
  • Postpone your worry
  • Speak to yourself with compassion
  • Practice mindfulness.

Set a routine - maintain a regular time to get up and go to bed. Eat at regular times, and get dressed and ready every morning. Timetable your day if that helps give it structure.

Stay mentally and physically active - when you plan your daily timetable, include pleasure, achievement and closeness activities to maintain balance.

Practice gratitude - reflect on what you are thankful for each day; encourage others to do the same.

Notice and limit worry triggers - as the health situation develops, we may feel we need to constantly follow the news or check social media for updates. If this triggers worry and anxiety, limit the time you are exposed to worry triggers each day. Maybe listen to the news at a set time each day only, or limit the amount of time you spend on social media.

Rely on reputable news sources - be mindful of where you are obtaining news and information and choose reputable sources, such as the NHS, Government guidelines and World Health Organization.


Keeping your teeth healthy while at home

You should brush your teeth at least twice a day for at least two minutes using toothpaste containing ≥1450ppm fluoride, as this helps protect teeth from cavities. However, you must spit not rinse when you’ve finished brushing, to avoid washing the protective fluoride away.


Interdental brushes or dental floss can be used to remove sticky plaque from in between your teeth. It’s important to supervise children’s brushing, and to remind family of all ages to brush their teeth thoroughly before they go to bed, even during this unsettling time.





Establishing regular meal times can help with routine over this time. A diet balanced in vitamins, minerals, fresh fruit and vegetables is good for your overall health as well as helping to prevent tooth decay and gum disease. Take time to cook new and healthy recipes, and ensure you have some rest days from alcohol.


Remember to drink plenty of water to keep your body hydrated and your mouth healthy; drinking water after each meal or snack helps wash away food particles from your teeth and prevents dry mouth and bacterial growth that leads to tooth decay. Fluoridated tap water additionally strengthens teeth enamel and helps prevent cavities.

Restricted opening

Just to update you that due to current legislation and guidance concerning the coronavirus, we have closed our clinic to non-urgent and routine dental care. For dental emergencies, you can call 01252 713797 between 9am–5.30pm, and our dentist on call will triage your symptoms, offering advice, pain management and prescribing antibiotics where necessary. If the dentist feels that further treatment is urgently required, they will respond to your situation on an individual basis. We are following all guidelines as they emerge, so we can give patients the most up-to-date advice and care for emergency treatment. 


Our phoneline remains operational to answer any concerns, or to triage emergencies only between 9am–5.30pm Monday to Friday. Outside of these hours, our emergency contact details are provided on our voicemail. For any non-urgent enquiries, you can email info@elmsleighhouse.co.uk, and we will get back to you as soon as we are able. 


Should you have coronavirus symptoms, such as a high temperature or new continuous cough, those who have been in close contact (1m) with a person with coronavirus within the past 14 days, or those who have travelled from a high risk area, and you are experiencing dental pain requiring emergency treatment, please telephone the NHS 111 service who will direct you to Public Health England for the urgent treatment you require.


We will postpone all non-emergency appointments until a time when it is safe for us to resume our extensive range of dental treatments to all patients.  


In the meantime, we hope everybody keeps well, safe and strong, and we look forward to welcoming you to Elmsleigh House as soon as we are able.