Elmsleigh House Dental Clinic

Implant restores patient's comfort

Written by Elmsleigh House | 28-Oct-2019 17:22:35

Mr W was referred to Elmsleigh House as his denture was uncomfortable and always got food trapped underneath. He saw Kit Spears for a dental implant consultation, who assessed and discussed Mr W’s options to replace his missing tooth.


Understandably, Mr W didn’t want to leave a gap, and he didn’t want to have a denture for the long-term. A bridge was considered, but he didn’t want to damage the adjacent teeth, and there were some concerns about the viability of a bridge with his strong bite. So it was decided that a dental implant was the best option for the long-term.

Mr W’s implant treatment

Kit placed a dental implant to restore Mr W’s upper right front tooth under local anaesthetic. Mr W found the procedure to be comfortable throughout, and discomfort afterwards was minimal. Although the treatment time for dental implants can be several months, Mr W was able to wear his denture for the entire duration of the treatment, so he was never left with a gap.


After several months of healing, the top of the implant was uncovered and a small titanium cylindrical post attached, protruding through and shaping the gum.


Several weeks later, impressions were taken of Mr W’s teeth and a colour match selected for the new crown. A dental laboratory constructed the crown, and a talented ceramist made the porcelain match the shape, colour and translucency of Mr W’s adjacent teeth. The crown was tested in place, and as Mr W was happy with its fit, look and feel, it was securely attached.


Mr W is delighted he can now eat in comfort, and has a complementary review appointment after a year.


Mr W had a gap in his front teeth, but his replacement denture was uncomfortable

Mr W smiles with confidence in his new dental implant


Click here to read Tim Thackrah's book, Transform your smile and life with dental implants; Tim is the lead of the dental implant team at Elmsleigh House.