Elmsleigh House Dental Clinic

It’s all about the brace

Written by Elmsleigh House | 23-Aug-2017 08:21:23

You may think that the idea of straightening teeth using braces was probably first introduced in America the 1950s. But the truth is, there is archaeological evidence that people have been trying to correct crooked teeth and poor jaw alignment for at least 2000 years!

In all this time, the principles behind braces has changed very little; by using wires or other materials, gentle pressure is used to help guide the teeth into a better position over a period of time.

Although all braces work on similar principles, what has changed dramatically over the past few years is the type of materials used to make the braces. There are many that are now virtually invisible and which work in a much shorter time than traditional braces. Here at Elmsleigh House Dental Clinic in Farnham, braces are helping many of our patients of all ages have straighter, healthier teeth.

The obtrusiveness of traditional braces is one of the reasons that many adults decide not to have their teeth straightened. Another reason many patients have given in the past for living with crooked, gappy or uneven teeth was the amount of time needed to complete the treatment. This is something else that has changed for the better. In many cases it is possible to have straight teeth in just six months!

Faster teeth straightening in Farnham for adults

Depending on your personal needs, it may only be necessary to straighten your front four to six teeth with faster anterior alignment orthodontics; this type of treatment is ideally suited to adults who are looking for a cosmetic improvement.

This is good news if you have been put off of the idea of wearing braces because you think you may need to wear the train-track style of braces worn by many children. The use of tooth-coloured wires and brackets in the case of fixed braces, or clear plastic retainers for removable types, eliminates this problem.

If you have been thinking about having your teeth straightened and would like to find out more about braces in Farnham, book a free consultation with our dentist, Cathleen Perrin, who will be able to determine if she can straighten your teeth with these faster brace systems, which offer a cost-effective and aesthetically pleasing way to straighten most adults’ teeth.

Conventional braces for all ages

Elmsleigh House also offers a range of conventional braces for all ages. Kostas Spathoulas is the Specialist in Orthodontics at Elmsleigh House Dental Clinic in Farnham, who can straighten or move adults and children’s teeth with a range of customised braces, such as Damon, Invisalign, Insignia and Incognito systems. Kostas will carry out a thorough assessment to determine the best solution for you or your child.

For further information or to book an appointment, call the Welcome team on 01252 713797, email info@elmsleighhouse.co.uk or click here to request an appointment online.