Elmsleigh House Dental Clinic

No more gaps  restore your smile with dental implants in Farnham

Written by Elmsleigh House | 23-Oct-2017 09:42:48
Losing a tooth can be a traumatic and stressful experience. Whether it is the result of an injury or accident, or the consequence of gum disease, nobody wants an unattractive smile.

However, thanks to the latest technology in dentistry, you can now have your missing teeth restored with dental implants in Farnham. Our experienced and skilled dentists at Elmsleigh House Dental Clinic will examine your teeth and help you decide whether dental implants are the right treatment for you. Unlike conventional dentures and bridges, dental implants are attached permanently to the jawbone.

What is a dental implant?

A dental implant is a small titanium post that serves as a base for a replacement tooth. Dental implants are surgically inserted into the jawbone and they can be used to support many different types of artificial teeth, including single crowns, multiple tooth bridges and dentures. Single tooth implants replace the missing tooth roots, whereas implant-supported bridges and dentures are used when several teeth are missing.

Benefits of dental implants

Missing or badly decayed teeth can be detrimental to the rest of your oral health. Surrounding teeth will start to shift into the gaps, resulting in an unbalanced bite. Over longer periods of time, jaw bone density deteriorates due to the lack of support from the missing teeth roots. This can lead to many problems such as a poor bite and premature ageing.

Unlike other tooth replacement methods that simply sit on the gums, dental implants preserve the strength of the jaw and help towards its regeneration. Moreover, teeth restored with dental implants have the equivalent chewing and biting power to that of natural teeth. Last but not least, dental implants are long-lasting and may even last a lifetime with proper care and frequent dental check-ups.

Am I eligible for dental implants?

The good news is that most people can have dental implants. However, smokers and patients suffering from diabetes and heart disease may face some repercussions with regard to healing and the ability to help the bone fuse with the dental implants. If you are considering dental implants in Farnham, but you are still not sure if they are right for you, then its time to book your dental implant consultation with us.

For further information or to book an appointment, call the Welcome team on 01252 713797, email info@elmsleighhouse.co.uk or click here to request an appointment online.