Elmsleigh House Dental Clinic

Restore your smile

Written by Elmsleigh House | 26-Jul-2017 09:15:21
If you have one or more missing teeth, you may have experienced moments when you are too self-conscious to smile freely or have felt embarrassed about speaking. When you feel like that, it does not take long before social and professional interactions start to suffer. Missing teeth can also have an impact on what you eat and this then has an impact on your overall health. Fortunately, you do not have to put up with gaps, and our Farnham dentures are a popular, cost-effective option.

How do dentures work?

Our experienced clinical dental technician, Frank Johnson, makes two different types of dentures in Farnham. The Premier option is created using information from old photographs, special measurements and digital imaging to make dentures that are almost indistinguishable from natural teeth. Essential dentures are made from hard plastic on a strong acrylic base and are very durable. Whichever option you choose, you can be rest assured that we will work with you to make sure that they are as comfortable as possible and that you are happy with how they function. You can choose to have implants to stabilise your dentures. These metal screws replace some of your missing teeth and can be used as a base for permanent or removeable dentures.

What are the benefits of having dentures in Farnham?

When teeth are missing, the lips and cheeks are not properly supported. This can lead to sagging and drooping and make you look older than you are. Dentures fill out your mouth again, giving you a more youthful appearance. It may take a little time to get used to using your dentures for speaking or eating. If this continues to be a problem, then stabilisation with dental implants is an option. Just as you would care for natural teeth, looking after your dentures correctly is essential. Patients who have had dentures in Farnham have found that, if they are properly cared for, they may last several years. However, as your mouth changes shape over time, they may require adjustments to ensure long-term comfort.

You do not have to put up with the inconvenience or unsightliness of missing teeth. Find out how having dentures in Farnham could restore your quality of life and give you a smile to be proud of.

Our clinical dental technician, Frank Johnson, offers a FREE denture consultation in Farnham to determine the best denture solution for you.

For further information or to book an appointment, call the Welcome team on 01252 713797, email info@elmsleighhouse.co.uk or click here to request an appointment online.