Elmsleigh House Dental Clinic

Smile enhancement with braces in Farnham

Written by Elmsleigh House | 27-Mar-2017 10:14:43

We look forward to welcoming you to Elmsleigh House Dental Clinic for your braces in Farnham. Our team of dentists and Welcome Team are standing by to take care of you and help you on your way to straighter teeth and a brighter smile.

What are braces used for?

Braces change the position of your teeth to give you a more balanced and beautiful smile.

For many people, braces are a cosmetic enhancement treatment. However, they can also be used to correct bite issues and, in some cases, alleviate pain in the jaw and surrounding areas.

In general, straight teeth are healthier teeth and so even after a cosmetic orthodontic treatment, you are liable to enjoy the fringe benefits of better oral hygiene.

Which braces are right for you?

When you are looking for braces in Farnham, our Specialist in Orthodontics, Kostas Spathoulas, will make an assessment of your mouth to check which brace system will work best for you. He will also take your personal needs into account, based on the information you provide and on your answers to a range of questions. If you have any particular concerns then let Kostas know. He will do all he can to alleviate any worries and determine the best solution for you.

Click here to listen to Kostas talk about the range of bespoke braces he offers.

You may be able to choose between different treatment options. You can decide which one sounds best to you once you have all the required information.

Kostas offers custom-made, traditional orthodontic braces, such as Damon, Insignia and Incognito fixed appliances and Invisalign removable aligners. He also offers myofunctional treatments to address the affects of habits such as thumb sucking, reverse swallow and incorrect lip and tongue function in young children (6+ years).

We also have a range of faster, modern braces options that our dentist Cathleen Perrin offers adults, such as CFast and Inman Aligner. These options are generally used for mild or moderate realignment needs. Cathleen offers a free consultation to adults to determine if these faster systems would be suitable for straightening your teeth.

Getting comfortable with your braces

As well as offering you treatment options, your dentist will also give you advice on feeling comfortable with your braces. We see many patients and have plenty of experience offering this kind of advice. This might include minor dietary restrictions to protect your braces.

Dental hygiene is always important, but it becomes even more vital when you have certain types of braces. It is essential that your teeth remain healthy during treatment.

Food is more likely to become trapped in some braces. You may want to get used to carrying a toothbrush with you so you can clean them thoroughly after snacks or meals away from home.

Find out more about braces in Farnham

To book a no-obligation customised orthodontic consultation for all ages with our Specialist, Kostas Spathoulas, or your free consultation for faster systems for adults with dentist Cathleen Perrin, call 01252 713797, email info@elmsleighhouse.co.uk or click here to request an appointment online.