Elmsleigh House Dental Clinic

Composite bonding to close a gap and restore a smile

Written by Elmsleigh House | 10-Aug-2021 11:35:35

Miss H came to see Kit Spears at Elmsleigh House for a restorative consultation as she didn’t like the diastema (gap) between her front teeth.


Kit listened to her concerns and performed a thorough assessment of her teeth and mouth. Kit discussed his findings with Miss H and together they agreed a treatment plan.


Kit determined that the best way to improve the gap between Miss H’s front teeth and the alignment of her teeth and bite would be orthodontic treatment. This could be fixed braces or Invisalign clear aligners, which would move her teeth into position in 6 to 18 months. However, Miss H could not start orthodontic treatment due to work commitments causing her to be away, and wanted a more immediate solution.


Kit confirmed that he could use tooth-coloured cosmetic bonding to close the gap between Miss H’s front teeth, repair some small chips and alter the other front teeth as necessary to improve their visual alignment. This is a relatively quick and non-destructive way to alter the appearance of teeth, which requires no anaesthetic or drilling.


Miss H returned for her cosmetic bonding appointment, where Kit matched composite bonding material to the colour of her teeth. This strong resin material was bonded directly onto her front teeth, shaped and contoured to close the gap and create a uniform and straighter smile.


Cosmetic bonding was also used to minimise small defects such as chips and worn edges by smoothing the surface of the teeth, improving the overall look of Miss H’s smile in just one visit; Miss H was delighted!


“The Team at Elmsleigh House were very helpful throughout. My teeth are now exactly how I wanted them.
Very glad I chose this option” Miss H.


Composite bonding is an effective and painless way to subtly enhance the appearance of your smile, fill small gaps between your teeth or smooth over rough or chipped edges. It is a strong resin material that typically lasts several years. The only real disadvantage of this treatment is that the resin can de-bond; however, this won’t harm the teeth and can easily be replaced. However, patients are advised to be careful when biting hard food, to ensure the cosmetic treatment lasts.