Elmsleigh House Dental Clinic

Know the signs of gum disease

Written by Elmsleigh House | 07-Feb-2023 11:23:09

February is Gum Disease Awareness Month, a campaign to raise awareness of the signs of gum disease and how taking care of your gums can benefit your overall health. This is especially important as gum (or periodontal) disease is usually pain free; you may not know you have it until it is discovered by your dentist or dental hygienist. Therefore, knowing common signs to look out for as well as having regular dental check-ups are essential to detect and treat periodontal disease.

Five common signs of gum disease
  1. Bleeding gums; red, puffy gums; gum itching or discomfort
  2. Spaces appearing between your teeth, or loose teeth
  3. Receding gums, unless your dentist says this is normal for you
  4. Persistent bad breath
  5. Sensitivity to cold food and drink.

Gum (periodontal) disease is a serious bacterial infection that destroys the attachment fibres and supporting bone that hold your teeth firmly in place. Early signs are red, swollen gums that bleed easily, but are not normally painful. This early stage of periodontal disease is called gingivitis.


Gingivitis can be prevented or reversed by having regular hygiene appointments, supported with efficient teeth cleaning routines at home. If gingivitis is left untreated, it can progress to periodontitis, the most serious form of gum disease that can spread to underlying tissue and bone, which can cause one tooth or many teeth to become unstable or even fall out. Other forms of periodontal disease include gum recession, gum overgrowth, ulcerating gums and other gum disorders.


Manoj Tank is our specialist in periodontics, skilled in both non-surgical and surgical management of periodontal (gum) disease. He offers specialist and advanced techniques, including gum grafts, to treat more difficult or advanced gum problems and is familiar with the latest methods of diagnosis and treatment; because of Manoj's specialist knowledge and experience, your dentist may refer you to him for periodontal treatment.


Who gets gum disease?

Some people are very resistant to periodontal disease, some are genetically more predisposed to it and 10–15% of the population are highly susceptible.


Some medical conditions such as uncontrolled diabetes can exacerbate the disease. Smoking has been proven to make the problem worse and usually reduces the effect of treatment. Stress has been shown greatly to reduce resistance to the disease, and resistance can vary at different times in people’s lives. For example, a person’s resistance may be normal for years, then for no apparent reason it temporarily diminishes. Periodontal disease then appears, or the disease that was under control flares up.


Regardless of your susceptibility or resistance, you, your dentist and your hygienist can work together to slow the disease and keep it in check. For most people, loss of teeth as a result of periodontal disease is not inevitable with appropriate treatment.


Listen to one of our patients, Mrs Harwood, talk about her experience of periodontal treatment at Elmsleigh House Dental Clinic in Farnham, Surrey.


Get in touch if you are overdue your dental check-up or hygiene clean. If you have concerns about periodontal disease or you have been referred to Elmsleigh House for periodontal treatment, book a consultation with Manoj Tank on 01252 713797 or click here to request a callback online.