Elmsleigh House Dental Clinic

Invisalign teeth straightening in farnham

Written by Elmsleigh House | 11-Apr-2024 11:22:28

Are you embarrassed by your smile and would like to straighten your teeth? One of the solutions we offer is Invisalign clear, removable aligners for adults, teens and children; unlike fixed traditional braces, there are no metal brackets or wires.

Kostas Spathoulas is our Specialist in orthodontics at Elmsleigh House with award-winning expertise in Invisalign clear aligners. He uses cutting-edge 3D scanning technology to create a series of clear, removable aligners that can fix a wide range of teeth straightening issues, such as overcrowded teeth, widely spaced teeth, crossbites, overbites and underbites, usually in 6–18 months.


Kostas uses advanced iTero Element scanning technology to plan your treatment from the initial position of your teeth to the final desired result. You can see your virtual results before you even begin, so you will know how your teeth are expected to look when treatment is complete.

Kostas will use the scans to plan and create a series of Invisalign clear aligners made of a lightweight and strong thermoplastic material.


Each set of aligners is worn for 7 to 10 days before being replaced by the next in the series, predictably moving your teeth into position as per your Invisalign treatment plan.


Each aligner is worn for a minimum of 20–22 hours a day, and should be removed to eat, drink anything other than water (and especially for hot drinks) and to brush your teeth; you should fit them in place afterwards.


You return for review appointments over the course of treatment. Reviews and amendments will ensure your aligners carefully control movement until the desired result is achieved.


It may be that attachments will be added during treatment to refine movement; these could be special SmartForce attachments, orthodontic bands or metallic orthodontic buttons, which can sometimes be fitted behind your teeth. These help the aligners apply the correct amount of force in the right direction.




SmartForce attachments are tiny tooth-coloured attachments that are placed on the teeth before or during your Invisalign treatment. Where possible, our Specialist in orthodontics will position these attachments on the lingual side (back) of your teeth. However, even if placed on the front of the teeth, they are very small and barely noticeable.


SmartForce attachments help your aligners apply the correct amount of force in the right direction. They enable our Specialist to predictably plan even complex tooth movements without braces. Invisalign clear aligners fit smoothly and tightly around them, so they’re barely noticeable. 


It is important to note, however, that not everyone who uses Invisalign clear aligners will need SmartForce attachments.


Invisalign clear aligners versus TRADITIONAL Fixed BRACES

Traditional fixed braces

  • Consist of metal brackets and wires fixed to the external side of the teeth
  • Non-removable throughout treatment
  • Treatment times vary, around 12–24 months
  • Adjustment appointments required every 3–10 weeks

Invisalign clear aligners

  • A series of near-invisible aligners that fit over the teeth; special attachments can be added to finetune
  • Removable for eating and cleaning
  • Treatments are completed within 6–18 months (average 12 months)
  • Appointments typically needed every 4–8 weeks
Book a free orthodontic consultation with our specialist, Kostas Spathoulas, to scan and plan treatment

Meet Kostas, our award-winning orthodontist!

Kostas won the prestigious award for “Most Transformed Smile” at the 2023 Align Summit Awards, to go alongside his award for “Most Inspirational Adult Case” awarded in 2022.

He has presented a lecture on Spark Aligners at the 17th Panhellenic Orthodontic Congress in Athens to share knowledge with other orthodontists from around the globe.

Kostas has been awarded Diamond Invisalign provider status for the second year. This is an exceptional achievement as it marks that Kostas has straightened over 600 people’s teeth with Invisalign, and continues to treat over 150 cases each year.


This puts Kostas in the top 1% of Invisalign providers in the UK, and he is the only Diamond provider in Farnham and the surrounding area.


To book your Invisalign consultation with Kostas Spathoulas or for more information, call the Welcome Team on  01252 713797 or click here to request a callback online. 


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