Adapting to wearing dentures can be a challenge. We meet many people who struggle with a denture that is loose and moves when they talk or eat. One of the most cost-effective solutions to a denture that moves is denture stabilisation using dental implants. This offers you a more permanent solution and can improve your quality of life significantly. You will be able to talk and eat, knowing that your dentures are securely held in place.
A dental implant comprises a small titanium screw that is inserted in your jaw bone, to which your denture is attached. Dental implants also maintain support to your neighbouring teeth and underlying jaw bone, keeping them strong and healthy. They are long-lasting and provide a secure attachment to your denture, which is made to look and feel like your natural teeth.
Secure attachment
To secure a lower denture that moves, we generally place two dental implants at the front of the lower jaw; fewer people struggle with an upper denture that moves, but if this is the case then we generally place three to four dental implants. We use special connectors to securely attach each implant to your denture.
Your denture can still be removed for cleaning, but you can be confident that when your denture is attached in place it will remain secure and will not suddenly dislodge. You will no longer need to use any messy denture adhesive.
All our dentures are designed and made by Professor Bill Sharpling, our experienced Clinical Dental Technician (CDT), who brings his extensive expertise in implant-stabilised and removable dentures to Elmsleigh House.
Many people with dentures adjust their diet to cope with a denture that moves when they chew. Once your dentures are stabilised with implants, you should be able to chew with confidence and regain the enjoyment of eating a wide range of food. You will also enjoy your natural-looking smile, improved confidence and the knowledge that you do not have to take your denture out at night.