We understand how the loss of all your natural teeth can impact on your life. As well as affecting daily activities, such as eating, talking and laughing, losing your teeth can also lower your self-esteem.
Our dentures look like natural teeth and fit precisely, helping to create definition to your mouth and smile. Your quality of life will be improved, and you will be able to eat, talk and laugh with confidence in your secure replacement teeth.
All our dentures are designed, made and fitted by Professor Bill Sharpling, who brings his extensive expertise in implant-stabilised and removable dentures to Elmsleigh House.

Dentistry magazine has published its list of the top 50 influencers in the dental profession for 2024 — and we are delighted that Professor Bill Sharpling, Associate Dean at King’s College London, Director of the London Dental Education Centre and our dentures expert at Elmsleigh House has been selected for inclusion in this list of opinion leaders, mentors and educators in dentistry. The names on this list characterise the innovation, drive, passion and conviction that define dentistry in 2024, and Bill is certainly a worthy nominee!
This is in addition to Bill being listed in Dentistry's 2023 Laboratory’s Leading 20, where he is recognised for his influence in driving dental technology forward.
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