You may have lost one tooth, several teeth or all your natural teeth. The best option for you will be determined by many factors, which will be assessed at your initial consultation.
Dentures offer a cost-effective solution for replacing missing teeth. Our Clinical Dental Technician, Professor Bill Sharpling, offers a range of bespoke denture solutions made to look, fit and function like your natural teeth.
A bridge can support one or more replacement teeth linked to adjacent teeth or dental implants. Your replacement teeth will be handmade to match your natural teeth and will be fixed securely.
Dental implants are the most advanced therapy today for replacing missing teeth because they look, fit and feel just like your natural teeth.
They consist of a small titanium screw, which is placed in your jaw bone, and an implant post that supports the replacement tooth (cosmetic crown), bridgework or denture.
Your replacement teeth will look exactly like your natural teeth, will remain secure and are long-lasting.
When it may not be possible to fix a bridge with dental implants, an implant-stabilised denture can offer a cost-effective solution. Special connectors attach to the implants, anchoring the denture to stop it moving.
To replace missing teeth with dental implants or stabilised bridgework or dentures, you will need to book a dental implant consultation. Your dentist will make a thorough assessment of your teeth and bone density in your jaw, and outline the best options for you to replace your missing teeth.