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Keeping yourself healthy while at home

We all know to #StayAtHome to #SaveLives and #ProtectTheNHS until the pandemic subsides. A...

Be kind to your teeth at Easter

Easter is upon us, and is a time to relax, enjoy the beauty of spring and indulge in choco...

Word of mouth...

We often receive thank you cards, emails, Tweets, Google and Facebook reviews from our pat...

Don't be afraid of the chair!

Research has shown that a third of people in the UK fear the dentist's chair, and 79% are ...

Sepsis – Signs, symptoms and Elmsleigh House ...

Sepsis is a life-threatening condition that can arise when the body’s abnormal immune resp...

Can't bear the chair?

Dental care has come on a long way over the past 50 years, and it is now truly possible to...

Can I see my dentist/hygienist with a cold sore?

A cold sore is a small blister caused by the herpes simplex virus (usually type 1), which ...

Apple cider vinegar - dilution is the solution!

There has been a lot in the health press advocating the benefits of apple cider vinegar. I...

Did you make a commitment to your smile this year?

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